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Top 5 Facts You Should Know About Pet Vaccinations

If you own a pet, vaccinations are an important component of your pet’s health care. Unvaccinated pets are at a higher risk of contracting severe illnesses, including rabies, canine hepatitis, and distemper. If your pets need to be vaccinated, bring them to Boulevard Veterinary Hospital. But before that, here are 5 facts you need to learn about pet vaccinations.

Pet Vaccines Are Safe

A constant worry of pet parents is whether or not vaccines are safe. If you are jittery about pet vaccines, don’t be. Vaccines undergo a rigorous testing and trial process before being administered to your pets. After this thorough process, you can be sure that the vaccines are safe for your pet.

There Are Two Types of Pet Vaccines

If you are about to vaccinate your pets, you need to understand the different types of vaccines. Core vaccines are essential vaccines that all pets should receive no matter their habits, environment, or age. Non-core vaccines are administered in the context of your pet’s lifestyle, location, and environment.

Vaccination Can Start as Early as Six Weeks

If you have dogs or kitties, the first round of vaccination can start by the time they are six to eight weeks old. However, before deciding on vaccination, consult with our veterinarian to schedule an appropriate time for vaccines.

Don’t Administer Vaccines Yourself

While veterinarians are the preferred personnel to administer vaccines, some pet owners may choose to administer the vaccines themselves. Doing vaccinations as an individual is discouraged for many reasons. First, most pet owners aren’t trained to identify an appropriate injection site. Secondly, vaccines sold in local store could be expired or inappropriately stored.

Expect Mild Side Effects

Because vaccines stimulate your pet’s immune system, minor side effects are expected. The most common side effects include fever, an allergic reaction, and sensitivity at the injection site. However, don’t be worried about these side effects because they wear off naturally after a day or two.

However, if the following side effects continue for more than two days, consult with our animal hospital immediately:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • General body weakness

Where to Get Pet Vaccinations

If you are in Virginia Beach and Norfolk, VA areas, schedule a consultation with Boulevard Veterinary Hospital to receive the vaccinations suitable for your pet. We provide both core and non-core vaccines to ensure your pets remain healthy now and for many years to come.